
More Hymns for folk instruments
Links below are to Youtube videos:

1. Coronation by Oliver Holden (All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name)       1:25

2.  Beautiful Savior (Schonster Herr Jesus–Silesian Folktune)         1:59

3: God is Working His Purpose Out by Martin Shaw            2:34

4. St. Catherine (Faith of our Fathers) by Hemy and Walton         2:07

5. St. Christopher (Beneath the Cross of Jesus) by Frederick Maker    2:08

6. Triggare Kan (Children of the Heavenly Father) Swedish Folktune        1:34

7. Jesus Joy of Man’s Desiring by J.S. Bach                 2:27

8. Galilee (Jesus Calls us O’er the Tumult) by William Jude            1:25

9: Hyfrydol  (Love Divine All Loves Excelling) by Rowland Prichard      2:25

10. Sine Nomine (For all the Saints) by     R. Vaughn Williams        1:50

11. Flemming (Praise to the Father) by Friedrich Flemming        2:09

12. What Wondrous Love       by William Walker       2:07

13.Jesus Walked that Lonesome Valley Folk tune            1:54

14. Tallis’ Canon (All Praise to thee my God this Night) by Thomas Tallis    2:01

